
Daily Archives: 2008-03-14

I’ve started working on a project called BrobyGrafisk OffsetPress that is basically a graphical user interface for the Elk Press. BrobyGrafiska OffsetPress is a Swing application that runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and probably most other platforms with Java 5. Here is a screenshot:


Some technical details: The BGOP has an embedded Jetty servlet container with the Elk Press web application deployed in it. The GUI is hooked up with the Elk Press using Spring‘s dependency injection and is registered to receive events when resources, etc, in the Elk Press are updated. The application is still in an early stage, but feel free to give it a try. The Elk Press supports most of the two press-related ICSs, so it should be possible to get it going with a compliant prepress workflow system, such as ApogeeX. You can of course always use Alces for testing; there are sample files included in the BGOP download.